Patient Stories

Beth Was Very Happy with The Help She Received from Our Team
“I learned the hard way that an audiologist in private practice answers only to the patient. Julie is focused on making sure you get the equipment that is right for you.”
Over a decade ago, I lost my hearing, and it was a frightening experience. As I grappled with this new reality, my biggest worry was how I’d navigate the world and whether I’d receive the support I needed. That’s when I found South Sound Audiology.
From the moment I stepped into the clinic, I felt reassured. Julie and her staff were committed to finding the perfect solution for my severe hearing loss. Their dedication to staying informed about new developments in hearing technology was evident, and it gave me confidence in their care.
Thanks to the advanced hearing aids I received, I now lead a full life without the fear that initially accompanied my hearing loss. Their compassionate approach at the clinic made a world of difference during a challenging time.
For anyone facing hearing issues, I can’t stress enough the value of choosing a private practice audiologist. At South Sound Audiology, you’ll find a team that’s not only helpful and compassionate but also focused solely on your needs as a patient. Their personalized care has been instrumental in my journey to better hearing.
As a retired LICSW, I appreciate the holistic support they provide. With their help, I’ve regained my confidence and ability to fully engage with the world around me.
- Beth T.

After Lesley’s Premature Hearing Loss, She Quickly Took Action
“Hearing the birds in my garden again was like rediscovering a lost treasure.”
I never expected to face hearing loss at 40, but looking back, that hard hit to my ear at 18 might’ve been the start. When I realized I needed help, I didn’t hesitate. I just wanted to hear properly again and trusted that hearing aids would do the trick.
From the moment I met Julie at South Sound Audiology, I knew I was in good hands. Her kindness and thoroughness during testing put me at ease. She answered all my questions patiently, making me feel heard and understood.
The impact of my hearing aids has been incredible. I’ve gone from feeling isolated to embracing life fully again. Group conversations are no longer a struggle, and I’m excited to participate in activities I love. It’s like I’ve been given a new lease on life.
If you’re considering getting your hearing checked, I can’t recommend Julie enough. Her knowledge and compassion shine through in every interaction. She takes the time to address any concerns and ensures you’re comfortable every step of the way.
Today, I’m thrilled to be on this journey of rediscovering sounds I thought I’d lost forever. With Julie’s support, I’m confident in my ongoing hearing care.
- Lesley V.

Martin Now Has Confidence In His Hearing
“South Sound Audiology will assist you in your needs.”
I first realized I might have hearing loss when I struggled to follow conversations. It was frustrating, and I knew I needed help. Before contacting South Sound Audiology, I wanted to ensure they followed best practices. Thankfully, they do.
From the moment I walked in, I felt respected. The staff greeted me warmly and, more importantly, they listened. It was clear they understood the importance of good communication, especially for someone with hearing difficulties.
Getting hearing aids has significantly improved my quality of life. I can hear better now, which makes a world of difference in my daily interactions. It’s amazing how much you miss when your hearing isn’t at its best.
I’m glad I chose South Sound Audiology. They’re professionals who truly care about their patients’ needs. If you’re experiencing hearing issues, don’t hesitate to give them a call. They’ll guide you through the process with expertise and compassion.
My hearing journey is ongoing, but with South Sound Audiology’s support, I’m confident in facing whatever comes next.
- Martin R.

Here’s How Charlotte Broke Old Patterns
“I didn’t want to end up being isolated.”
We can certainly learn a lot from our loved ones.
Charlotte did just this after observing her grandmother’s hearing loss develop over time.
“My paternal grandmother had hearing problems, and I realized by watching her that she was unable to participate in, or understand, family conversations. She seemed so lonely. When I began to notice I wasn’t hearing everything or understanding everything people were saying, I didn’t want a repeat of my grandmother’s life.”
Charlotte made a very smart observation and realized she “didn’t want to end up being isolated.”
This encouraged her to take the admirable first step in addressing her hearing loss by visiting South Sound Audiology.
She explains, “Julie was very professional and competent.”
After receiving her new hearing aids, Charlotte’s life became a lot easier and more enjoyable.
“Being able to hear better makes it possible for me to participate in conversations easier.”
After her visit to South Sound Audiology, Charlotte says, “I highly recommend them.”
- Charlotte J. B.

Michael’s Top-Notch Hearing Advice
“All hearing-impaired people need is a knowledgeable person with a plan that can give you back a measure of hearing that makes your life better.”
“I suffered SNHL, sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Literally, one minute I could hear, the next I was virtually deaf in one ear, with partial loss in the other. I was scared beyond measure.”
When Michael first recognized his hearing loss, it was an extremely troubling experience. Unlike many others whose hearing loss happens gradually, the sudden hearing loss he suffered changed his life.
But also, unlike many others in his situation, he faced the challenge with optimism and hope.
“I was enthusiastic to visit SSA. A friend had seen Julie, was fitted for aids, and was highly complimentary.”
“Julie’s manner is soothing but very informative. She knows her stuff cold. She came up with a plan, and we put it in motion.”
Michael made a great decision to visit a professional about his hearing loss and was pleased with the service he received at South Sound Audiology.
Since his case was severe, he explains how his hearing aids have impacted his circumstances.
“Hearing is still a challenge. I do not hear everything I want to, and I can no longer use sound for direction purposes. But without my hearing aids, I would be far worse off. One of the best features is the white noise that helps minimize the effect of my tinnitus. They are a godsend for that alone.”
Michael’s enthusiasm upon seeking help for his hearing loss is one to be admired and makes it hard to understand why anyone would not address their hearing loss.
He advises, “Go see Julie, she is top-notch in her field, and she can help you. In the end, that’s all hearing-impaired people need is a knowledgeable person with a plan that can give you back a measure of hearing that makes your life better. It did for me!”
- Michael H.

Judy Had Nothing To Fear
“The aftercare was just as good as my first visit was with her.”
Unfortunately for Judy and many others who come to terms with their hearing loss, she felt like this was a sign of her getting old.
But at South Sound Audiology, we often say, “Hearing loss is a sign of a life well-lived” – be proud of the life that has gotten you this far.”
When it came to addressing her hearing loss, Judy’s main concern was making sure she got good hearing aids and a good professional that wasn’t going to sell her just any hearing aid.
And this is where Julie at South Sound Audiology came in.
Judy mentions, “I was very impressed with the care I received from Julie. She was thorough and took her time with me and was genuinely caring to provide the best service for my needs. There was no pressure, and she gave a lot of valuable information before I made my decision. The aftercare was just as good as my first visit was with her. Extremely satisfied with my care.”
When asked about how hearing aids have impacted her life, Judy says, “I can hear a whole lot better and don’t even notice I have them on. My fear has been I’ll lose one.”
But other than the fear of losing her devices, Judy’s advice to anyone who is yet to address their hearing loss is, “There is nothing to fear, and you will get extremely good care because Julie cares about providing good care to her patients. So glad I chose South Sound Audiology.”
- Judy B.

Kathy’s Evolution With Hearing Aids
“I was certain I was working with a well-trained audiologist and was made to feel welcome and comfortable by the receptionist.”
When Kathy visited South Sound Audiology, she already had a lifetime of hearing aid experience behind her.
“I knew I had a high-frequency loss by age 30, but at that time, hearing aids were not sufficiently developed for me to benefit from wearing them, and no well-trained audiologist would fit me with them.”
“Hearing aid technology improved significantly by the time I reached 50, and I was fitted with aids that helped me in noisy situations and allowed me to enjoy the high notes of music at symphony performances.”
“I’ve worn aids for the last 30+ years and have benefited greatly from them as technology continues to advance. I wear my aids all day every day and would be lost without them.”
From her past experiences, Kathy was pleased when she visited South Sound Audiology and said, “I was certain I was working with a well-trained audiologist and was made to feel welcome and comfortable by the receptionist.”
Since being fit with more advanced technology, Kathy explains, “I’m able to communicate easily with others, understanding what is being said. I’m aware when someone is speaking to me in noisy situations and follow conversations in small groups.”
With so much appreciation for hearing aids and how they have helped her, Kathy wanted to share some words of wisdom for anyone considering seeking help for their hearing loss.
“Call for an appointment today. You’ll be well cared for and fitted appropriately if your hearing loss can be helped by wearing aids.”
- Kathy P.

Charlie’s Sound Advice For Anyone Considering Hearing Aids
“Wearing the aids has made my life much better.”
Before Charlie came to South Sound Audiology to address his hearing challenges, he had become tired of not being able to hear people talking and having to ask them to repeat themselves.
It’s extremely common for people to notice hearing challenges way before they address them, usually because hearing loss occurs gradually, and people develop coping mechanisms to live with the hearing loss.
Charlie mentions he was concerned about “having to wear hearing aids and having them on the side of my head.”
This misconception of how hearing aids look and feel is one of the main reasons people avoid seeking treatment. But here’s why Charlie stood out.
He made the decision to visit South Sound Audiology and mentioned that upon his visit that “The staff made me feel at ease.”
Following his successful hearing aid fitting, he says, “Wearing the aids has made my life much better. Now I can hear well.”
For anyone deciding whether to address their hearing loss, Charlie says, “Go for it. With the new aids, it’s a breeze.”
- Charlie C.

How Nancy Is Happier Than Ever With Her New Hearing Aids
“It’s nice to know it doesn’t end when you put in your new hearing aids.”
Hearing loss often affects our loved ones just as much, if not more, than ourselves before we recognize the symptoms.
This was definitely the case for Nancy, as she explains, “I was outside with my husband working on the garden. He was frustrated that I couldn’t hear him. I didn’t realize how much I relied on watching someone speak to pick up on what they were saying. He was turned away from me. This was the first time I realized how frustrated he was and had been. I was only in my 40s, so it wasn’t even on my radar.”
When Nancy came to the realization that she needed to seek help for her hearing challenges, she was hesitant due to the stigma still attached to hearing aids.
“I wasn’t very excited about a big plastic blob in my ear…vanity! This was before the beautiful and really invisible models out today.”
Nancy soon realized that today’s hearing technology has advanced leaps and bounds since she first remembers them as the clunky and “big plastic blobs” they once were.
The thought of today’s sleek and modern devices encouraged her to address her hearing loss at South Sound Audiology.
Here’s what Nancy thought when she first visited Julie.
“I remember the office visit clearly. Julie was so caring and understanding. She was able to give me such clear step-by-step information on what she was testing for and how it would impact both my life, but also how your brain gradually adjusts to sound.”
Nancy goes on to explain what made her decide to get hearing aids and what impact they have had on her quality of life.
“I decided early on, even with the big plastic blob! I wanted to be present for my family and not miss out on life. For me, it’s really about quality of life, and my husband has a clear understanding of my limitations now that I have done everything I can do to improve my hearing. I love the new hearing aids.”
“They not only look and feel like nothing is there; they can connect to my cell phone, my TV has a box I can connect to if need be, and I have so many options for adjusting sound if I am in restaurants or large groups. I am happy to hear to the best of my ability, and to be honest, most people are surprised I even have hearing aids.”
From Nancy’s story of her journey to better hearing, it’s hard to understand why anyone would delay treatment, but here’s what she has to say for anyone considering the first step toward healthy hearing and a better life.
“Just do it!!! You will be happier than ever when you aren’t missing out on conversations. Julie is South Sound Audiology. I have followed her for 20 years and wouldn’t go anywhere else. She is genuine and is up to date on the latest in the technical/brain interactions and how it all works. Sometimes, I like the science of it all!
“You can be assured she will take care of you, with compassion, the latest knowledge, and the very important follow-through. It’s nice to know it doesn’t end when you put in your new hearing aids. Follow-up is crucial…”
- Nancy L.

You will be very satisfied with their treatment.
Hearing loss can be a gradual process over the years, until one day it suddenly becomes obvious. Bob can certainly vouch for this. He recalls, “My hearing loss occurred over several years and happened so gradually that I wasn’t aware of it until I needed help!”
Prior to visiting South Sound Audiology, Bob didn’t have any major worries or concerns. He says, “We have a friend who has used SSA’s services for a number of years, so I was quite familiar with them.”
Although there were a few initial bumps in Bob’s better hearing journey to iron out, Bob is very pleased with his experience at South Sound Audiology. He explains, “Due to my lack of understanding, I got off to a bad start with SSA. However, they stayed with me and we worked things out and I have been 100% satisfied since then!”
Bob continues, “I suffer from both needing more volume and clarifying the sounds I do hear!” Fortunately, his new devices have been a great success. “My hearing aids have improved both problems!” he says.
Giving South Sound Audiology a 10/10 rating, Bob hopes others will give them a try. “SSA is very knowledgeable and professional about hearing problems. I believe you will be very satisfied with their treatment of your hearing problems!”
- Robert (Bob) E. S.

South Sound Audiology changed my life.
Sandy is grateful for her co-worker’s honesty. She explains, “I didn’t realize I wasn’t hearing complete conversations until my co-worker told me.”
Rather than being upset about her upcoming audiology appointment, Sandy embraced it without any qualms. She says, “Hearing aids are small and people don’t even notice them. I was excited to be able to hear complete conversations again.”
Recalling her first appointment at South Sound Audiology, Sandy says, “I was impressed with how easy it was to fit me with hearing aids. I was diagnosed with hearing loss in my early 50’s due to an autoimmune disease. I can now hear conversations when I’m in a group setting.”
Sandy gives South Sound Audiology a 10/10 rating and has these words of wisdom to share with prospective patients: “Getting hearing aids will change your life. South Sound Audiology changed my life. You don’t know what you are missing until you get hearing aids. I can now hear complete conversations, TV shows/movies, birds chirping, the doorbell, etc.”
- Sandy
A Friend Recommended Us to Tom
“I should have sought help with my hearing sooner. My experience at South Sound was positive in every way.”
My wife was the first to notice my hearing wasn’t quite right. I’d miss what she was saying from the next room, and it became clear I needed to address the issue. Fortunately, a friend had great things to say about South Sound Audiology, which put my mind at ease about seeking help.
From the moment I walked in, I felt I was in good hands. The staff’s friendliness and efficiency were impressive, and I knew my hearing concerns would be well-managed. Getting hearing aids has been transformative. Every aspect of my daily life has improved significantly – it’s amazing how much better things are when you can hear clearly.
To anyone putting off getting their hearing checked, I’d say don’t wait. South Sound Audiology made the whole process smooth and positive. The impact on my quality of life has been tremendous, and I’m grateful for the care I’ve received. My hearing journey is ongoing, but I’m facing it with confidence thanks to the support of the team at South Sound.
- Tom H.
South Sound Simplified Mike’s Hearing Care Journey
“I no longer feel like I’m missing out on life’s important conversations.”
For years, my wife would teasingly mimic the way I’d say “Huh?” whenever I missed something she said. It was our little inside joke, but it also signaled a growing problem I couldn’t ignore.
When I decided to address my hearing concerns, I found the internet flooded with contradictory and confusing information. It was overwhelming, to say the least. That’s when I turned to South Sound Audiology, and I’m so glad I did.
From the moment I stepped into their clinic, I was greeted by a team that was not only friendly and approachable but also exuded professionalism and competence. Their warm welcome immediately put me at ease.
Getting hearing aids has been life-changing. Those important conversations I used to miss? They’re now crystal clear. I feel more connected to my loved ones and the world around me.
If you’re on the fence about seeking help for your hearing, don’t let an overload of information deter you. South Sound Audiology cut through the noise and provided the expert care I needed. They’ve helped me rediscover the joy of effortless communication, and I’m grateful for the positive impact they’ve had on my life.
- Mike
Cindy’s Hearing Aids Have Changed Her Life!
“I tear up when I think about the first time I put them in. I didn’t even realize how bad it was.”
My hearing loss crept up on me gradually. I found myself constantly saying “what” and watching people grow frustrated as they repeated themselves. It wasn’t until I realized how much I might be missing out on that I decided to seek help.
I was nervous walking into South Sound Audiology, but their small, comfortable office and friendly staff immediately put me at ease. Despite my initial uncertainty, I knew I had to do something.
The impact of hearing aids on my life has been profound. Even now, I’m still amazed by the difference they make. It’s difficult to put into words how much my quality of life has improved.
To anyone who thinks their hearing “isn’t that bad” but has family or friends saying otherwise, I urge you to get checked. You might not realize how much you’re missing, and the impact on your life can be incredible. My experience at has truly been life-changing, and I’m grateful for the care I’ve received.
- Cindy
Hearing Aids Have Changed the Game for Jeff
“I can’t believe what I’ve been missing all these years!”
About 13 years ago, I started noticing gaps in conversations, difficulty hearing the TV and radio, and even missing out on natural sounds around me. It was a gradual realization that my hearing wasn’t what it used to be.
When I decided to seek help, I was mainly curious about advancements in hearing aid technology. South Sound Audiology impressed me right from the start. The team was not only knowledgeable but also made everything easy to understand. They explained what was happening with my hearing in a way that really clicked for me.
Getting hearing aids has been a game-changer. There are so many things I can hear now that I didn’t even realize I was missing before. It’s like rediscovering the world of sound all over again.
Recently, South Sound Audiology introduced me to even better hearing aids, which have further improved my listening experience. I’m grateful for their ongoing support and expertise.
If you’re on the fence about getting your hearing checked, I’d say go for it. You’ll likely be surprised by what you’ve been missing out on. Plus, it’s not just about hearing better – it’s about your overall health too. The team at South Sound Audiology will guide you through the process and help you understand exactly what you need. Trust me, it’s worth it.
- Jeff H.
Rediscovering the Joy of Group Gatherings
“Hearing aids have opened up a whole new world of social interaction for me.”
It wasn’t until my early 60s that I first noticed my hearing wasn’t quite what it used to be. Thankfully, I didn’t have any real worries about seeking help. My wife had been wearing hearing aids for years, and I’d seen firsthand the positive difference they made in her life.
The staff at South Sound Audiology were incredibly friendly and professional, making me feel welcomed and respected from the start. Their approach was thorough and patient-centered, which I really appreciated.
Since getting my hearing aids, I’ve rediscovered the joy of group gatherings. I can engage in conversations more easily, catching all the nuances and jokes that I might have missed before. It’s been a game-changer for my social life.
For anyone on the fence about addressing their hearing concerns, I’d say don’t hesitate to give South Sound Audiology a try. They truly listen to your needs and work with you to find the best solution. The team’s expertise and caring attitude make all the difference.
I’m grateful for the improved quality of life my hearing aids have given me, and I look forward to many more years of clear, crisp sound.
- Ken A.
My Only Regret Is Not Doing It Sooner!
“I can finally enjoy movies and conversations again. It’s like a whole new world has opened up!”
I first noticed my hearing wasn’t quite right when I struggled to follow dialogue in movies and TV shows. Noisy environments were especially challenging, making it hard to participate in group conversations. Despite these difficulties, I didn’t have any major concerns about seeking help.
When I visited South Sound Audiology, I was immediately impressed by their professionalism. The staff took the time to thoroughly explain everything, which put me at ease and made me feel confident in their expertise.
Getting hearing aids has been life changing. Now, I can fully engage in conversations and contribute without missing a beat. Watching movies and TV shows has become enjoyable again, as I can catch every word of dialogue.
If you’re on the fence about addressing your hearing concerns, I’d encourage you to take that step. The team at South Sound Audiology made the process smooth and comfortable, and the results have been incredible. My only regret is not doing it sooner!
As I continue my hearing health journey, I’m grateful for the improved quality of life and the renewed ability to connect with the world around me.
- Anonymous
Pat Knew Hearing Loss Was Coming and Was Prepared to Face It
“I knew hearing loss was in my future, but South Sound Audiology made the transition so much easier than I expected.”
Growing up with a family history of deafness, I always anticipated that I might face hearing challenges someday. When the time came, I felt prepared and didn’t hesitate to seek help.
From the moment I stepped into South Sound Audiology, I was struck by the caring and courteous atmosphere. The staff’s approach immediately put me at ease, confirming that I had made the right choice in coming here.
My experience at South Sound Audiology has been very positive. Their expertise and support have been invaluable throughout my hearing care journey.
If you’re considering getting your hearing checked, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend South Sound Audiology. Their professional and compassionate approach makes all the difference when dealing with hearing loss.
As I continue on this path, I’m grateful for the care I’ve received and look forward to maintaining my hearing health with their ongoing support.
- Pat M.
South Sound Have Helped Nancy Participate in Daily Life Again!
“Please don’t let whatever is causing you to hesitate from giving South Sound Audiology a try. There is hope.”
Realizing I had hearing loss was scary. I worried about becoming isolated due to communication difficulties. Having worn hearing aids for years before moving to Washington, I feared I’d never find an audiologist as good as my previous one. After trying a couple of other places, I discovered Julie at South Sound Audiology, and felt immediate relief.
Julie and her staff were kind, understanding, professional, knowledgeable, and attentive to my needs. Their level of expertise and compassion stood out from the start. Working with South Sound Audiology has allowed me to participate normally in daily life again. While challenges still exist in certain situations, interactions with family and friends are more enjoyable now that they don’t have to remember to speak up.
I’ve learned the importance of working with a professional audiologist in a small or private practice. South Sound Audiology accurately diagnosed my problem and gave me the best chance of regaining my ability to hear. My experience here has been far superior to large clinics or storefront providers.
If you’re considering hearing care, don’t hesitate to give South Sound Audiology a chance. They provide the care and expertise needed to address your hearing concerns effectively.
- Nancy O.
Charles Was Struggling To Do His Job
“I was able to keep my job at the Senate, and it made a world of difference in my daily life with my wife, family, friends, and neighbors.”
As a security guard during legislative sessions, I first noticed my hearing was becoming an issue when I struggled to understand people asking me for information. It was affecting my ability to do my job effectively, which was concerning.
Initially, I was worried about the cost of hearing aids. Thankfully, Julie at South Sound Audiology helped me get coverage through my veterans’ benefits, which was a huge relief.
From the moment I stepped into the clinic, I was impressed by how professional and genuinely concerned they were about my hearing problems. They took the time to understand my needs and help me adjust to my new hearing aids.
The impact on my life has been significant. Not only was I able to continue working at the Senate, but my interactions with loved ones improved dramatically. Everyday conversations became easier and more enjoyable.
I’ve already referred friends to South Sound Audiology, telling them to expect the best care possible. The team there truly goes above and beyond to help their patients hear better and improve their quality of life.
- Charles M.
Jeff’s Physician Pointed Him in the Direction of South Sound
“I realized I wasn’t hearing everything my wife said while we were cooking together. That was my wake-up call.”
I can’t remember the exact date of when I noticed my hearing loss, but I can definitely remember the moment. My wife and I were cooking together in the kitchen, and I wasn’t catching everything she said. I knew then that something wasn’t right. Fortunately, my trusted physician, Morgan Zentner, pointed me towards South Sound Audiology. Their reputation for patience and care put me at ease from the start.
Walking into the clinic for the first time, I oddly felt like I was at a dentist’s office! The receptionist’s professionalism and organization quickly made me feel comfortable. The entire staff proved to be understanding and knowledgeable, taking the time to explain my hearing situation and how to use my new aids.
While I find the hearing aids frustrating to manage during active pursuits, they’ve been a game-changer for meetings and dinner conversations. It’s an adjustment, but I’m grateful for the improvement in these important areas of my life.
To anyone considering South Sound Audiology, I’d say go as soon as possible. They’ll help you navigate your hearing journey with expertise and compassion. My experience has shown me the value of addressing hearing concerns early, and I’m looking forward to continued support from the South Sound team as I adapt to my improved hearing.
- Jeff C.
How Ron Overcame His Biggest Challenge
“Get things checked out and get some help. What do you have to lose?”
When Ron’s wife pointed out that he was not understanding what she said, he began wondering whether hearing aids were right for him.
By chance, his father-in-law wore hearing aids after many years in a paper-making job, and the devices had become available to him. He was told that either he would get some use from them, or they would go to someone else.
When it came to deciding on the devices, Ron says, “My biggest concern in taking the hearing aids was what if I really needed them?”
To help with his decision, he visited Julie at South Sound Audiology, where he had further preconceived fears before visiting.
Ron wondered how hearing aids would improve his life. He was particularly concerned with how much hearing aids cost, as he had heard that they were expensive.
When Ron visited South Sound Audiology, he was impressed with how professional and easy to talk to they were. He mentions they “answered my questions and how my father-in-law’s hearing aids could help me. A hearing test showed that I really needed them.”
Since his initial hearing aid fitting with South Sound Audiology, he says, “I am able to understand people, hear the TV, and listen to music clearly. It has helped me be aware of what is happening in group situations.”
What is Ron’s advice to anyone considering visiting South Sound Audiology?
“Get things checked out and get some help. What do you have to lose? If you want a better, fuller, and more enjoyable life, make an appointment and get yourself checked out.”
- Ron B.
Jeffery Faced His Challenges Head On And Won
“I have complete confidence in Julie’s analyzing competence and the equipment she recommends.”
When it comes to Tom’s story about his journey to better hearing, it’s one that will resonate with most.
Thinking back to when he first discovered he had challenges with his hearing, Tom mentions, “I could hear my wife speaking in the next room but couldn’t make out what she was saying.”
He realized that he was missing things and was not aware of it – which is where his drive to address his hearing loss stemmed from.
Tom reached out to Julie at South Sound Audiology, and his first impressions of the office were “welcoming and comfortable.”
After Tom’s assessment, he made the decision to treat his hearing loss with hearing aids. Since receiving them, he says they have had a huge impact.
“I use my hearing aids throughout every day. They make it much easier on those who I’m conversing with.”
When reflecting on his experience, he says, “South Sound Audiology gets my highest recommendation for anyone with hearing problems. I have complete confidence in Julie’s analyzing competence and the equipment she recommends.”
– Tom Hackstadt
How Glenn Overcame His Preconceived Fears Over Hearing Aids
“What are you waiting for?”
When Glenn first recognized he had hearing challenges, he had a few concerns which may sound familiar to most.
The cost of hearing devices was the first thing that sprung to Glenn’s mind when considering addressing his hearing loss. He was also concerned whether he would be able to work the hearing aids and if they were the right thing for him.
Like many others, he was worried about what they would look like, too.
Although he had initial preconceived fears and concerns about addressing his hearing loss, he made an appointment at South Sound Audiology and said this about his experience.
“Julie was very careful when giving the hearing test, making sure that it was done correctly and that I was comfortable. Very nice people there.”
Since his professional hearing aid fitting, he explained the impact his new devices have had on his life.
“Well, now I can be part of the conversation. I can hear when somebody calls from behind me. I don’t have to try to read lips. I don’t have to keep saying ‘what’ all the time because I can hear them better with hearing aids. Wish that I would have done this a lot sooner.”
Glenn asks a very important question to anyone who is considering taking the first step to better hearing.
“What are you waiting for?”
- Jeffery H.
Tom Can Hear His Wife Again!
“I have complete confidence in Julie’s analyzing competence and the equipment she recommends.”
When it comes to Tom’s story about his journey to better hearing, it’s one that will resonate with most.
Thinking back to when he first discovered he had challenges with his hearing, Tom mentions, “I could hear my wife speaking in the next room but couldn’t make out what she was saying.”
He realized that he was missing things and was not aware of it – which is where his drive to address his hearing loss stemmed from.
Tom reached out to Julie at South Sound Audiology, and his first impressions of the office were “welcoming and comfortable.”
After Tom’s assessment, he made the decision to treat his hearing loss with hearing aids. Since receiving them, he says they have had a huge impact.
“I use my hearing aids throughout every day. They make it much easier on those who I’m conversing with.”
When reflecting on his experience, he says, “South Sound Audiology gets my highest recommendation for anyone with hearing problems. I have complete confidence in Julie’s analyzing competence and the equipment she recommends.”
- Tom H.
How Glenn Overcame His Preconceived Fears Over Hearing Aids
“What are you waiting for?”
When Glenn first recognized he had hearing challenges, he had a few concerns which may sound familiar to most.
The cost of hearing devices was the first thing that sprung to Glenn’s mind when considering addressing his hearing loss. He was also concerned whether he would be able to work the hearing aids and if they were the right thing for him.
Like many others, he was worried about what they would look like, too.
Although he had initial preconceived fears and concerns about addressing his hearing loss, he made an appointment at South Sound Audiology and said this about his experience.
“Julie was very careful when giving the hearing test, making sure that it was done correctly and that I was comfortable. Very nice people there.”
Since his professional hearing aid fitting, he explained the impact his new devices have had on his life.
“Well, now I can be part of the conversation. I can hear when somebody calls from behind me. I don’t have to try to read lips. I don’t have to keep saying ‘what’ all the time because I can hear them better with hearing aids. Wish that I would have done this a lot sooner.”
Glenn asks a very important question to anyone who is considering taking the first step to better hearing.
“What are you waiting for?”
- Glenn B
How Lee’s Faith In Hearing Healthcare Was Restored
“I found South Sound Audiology, and EVERYTHING THEY DID made my success with hearing aids possible.”
Like most people, Lee did not realize the extent of her hearing loss before visiting South Sound Audiology.
“I only got tested because my husband was getting out of the service, and I needed to do whatever was necessary before we lost that benefit. I hated finding it out because the very thought of wearing hearing aids made me feel…old! I was in my early 50s at the time.”
Not only did Lee have this huge stigma of hearing aids creating a barrier between her and getting the help she needed, but she also had a poor experience with hearing aids in the past.
“Previous experiences with getting hearing aids was a dismal failure. I did not get enough support in learning how to wear them, or what I was to expect, or how to adjust to them, or the need to go back to have them recalibrated as I got used to them.”
“So, the first time I got hearing aids, NONE of that happened for me, and I quit wearing them after 2 weeks and never wore them again.”
“I found South Sound Audiology, and EVERYTHING THEY DID made my success with hearing aids possible.”
Lee’s faith in hearing healthcare was restored after visiting Julie. She describes the office as quite caring and professional.
“I truly needed hearing help (didn’t know how much until she showed me what I was missing in my day-to-day life!), but I knew the failures of trying the first time. Julie did almost everything differently than had been done before because after she listened to me. She KNEW what had failed the first time and told me why…”
“From that moment on, I knew hearing aids would work this time for me.”
Since the hearing aid fitting with Julie at South Sound Audiology, Lee realizes the true value of her hearing aids – not the cost of the devices but the ability to effectively communicate with her loved ones.
“I realize I cannot hear enough to understand what people are saying sometimes. It isolates me from my grandchildren, my family, and friends. I hate it when I can’t hear them! I have returned home to get them when I’ve forgotten to put them in and I’m on my way to a meeting or something. I KNOW I will miss much of what is said if I don’t have them in. Not worth going without them!”
Lee also expresses a very important point that not many people realize until they visit a hearing care professional for a hearing assessment. Her advice to anyone currently considering hearing treatment is to “Go… you literally do not know what it is you are unable to hear and how much you are missing in your day-to-day living, not to mention how hard it makes it for someone around you to deal with your hearing loss.”
- Lee G.
Daryl’s Admirable Decision
“Best thing you can do for yourself and the people around you.”
Sometimes, it’s the simplest things in life that fulfill us – this was true for Daryl, who was pleased to finally participate in group conversations with his new hearing ability following his visit with Julie at South Sound Audiology.
“I had difficulty hearing a person talking to me while in a crowd.”
Daryl’s first recognition of his hearing loss began like many others like him – difficulty hearing when there’s a lot of background noise present is a common first sign of hearing loss.
What Daryl did next was admirable.
He took the time to visit Julie at South Sound Audiology to address his hearing challenges, which is the ultimate first step in any journey to healthy hearing.
Believe it or not – not many people reach this stage!
When Daryl met Julie, he had a very good first impression and said, “Julie listened and understood my hearing difficulties.”
After regaining hearing clarity, Daryl has some advice for those who might be torn in their decision to address their hearing loss.
He advises, “Do it now. Best thing you can do for yourself and the people around you.”
- Daryl R.
I wouldn’t be without them.
Tom was struggling to hear his loved ones at home. He says he realized he had a hearing loss when “I could not hear my wife clearly from the adjoining room.”
Reaching out to South Sound Audiology for help seemed the logical next step to take. Tom says he didn’t have any major concerns, adding, “I knew that it was time to do something about my hearing loss.”
His first appointment went especially well, and Tom was impressed with the care he received. “I remember a comfortable atmosphere,” he begins.“The hearing test certainly confirmed my hearing loss. Julie was very easy to talk with and laid out a good plan to address my problems.”
Tom is very happy with his new hearing aids. He explains, “They have impacted, positively, every aspect of my life where hearing is involved. I put them on when I get up in the morning and take them off at bedtime. I wouldn’t be without them any other time.”
Giving South Sound Audiology a 10/10 rating, Tom encourages others, “Make an appointment.”
- Tom H.
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